Adoring Christ Apps

Adoring Christ Ministries 5.17.2
Adoring Christ Ministries (ACM) is a community of women who seek toknow Jesus Christ and become more like Him each day (2 Cor. 3:18).The ACM app is designed to bring you into a life-changing encounterwith Jesus Christ. It is created to awaken adoration that leads totransformation--to cultivate a love for Jesus that inspires womento be like Him in all areas of our lives. Where are you in yourjourney of knowing God? Lost and Looking: Are you are looking forsomeone or something to satisfy your hungry heart? Light and Life:Are you a new believer in Jesus, ready to take important firststeps with Christ? Love and Likeness: Are you are a maturingbeliever who wants to learn how to apply Christ's ways tosingleness, marriage, parenting, church, business, government, andmore? Lead.HER.ship: Are you ready to be equipped to makedisciples? Wherever you are, we have rich content that keeps Jesusfront and center! App Features Include: Books, Bible studies,Blogs, YouTube videos, Conference videos, Interviews with Christianauthors and speakers, and more. About Adoring Christ MinistriesAdoring Christ Ministries (ACM) equips women to know Jesus Christand become like Him in all areas of life (2 Corinthians 3:18).Distinctives: Believing . Beholding . Becoming. ACM providesresources for women wherever they are in their journey of knowingGod through Jesus Christ: (1) Believing in Jesus: ACM providesresources about the gospel and reasons for our faith, (2) BeholdingJesus: ACM provides resources for bible study and theology, (3)Becoming like Jesus: ACM provides resources to guide women inpractical Christian living. About ACM Events ACM hosts events, onebeing the annual Equipping Conference that equips women toinfluence their homes, workplaces, churches, and other communitiesto know Jesus Christ and become like him. Women learn how tointeract with the storylines of the Bible in a world of competingstorylines. Women are also equipped with skills for bibleinterpretation and ministry practicals such as sharing the gospel,reading the Bible one-on-one, and helping others to be transformedby putting off old ways of life and putting on the ways of Christ.About Kori de Leon Kori is the Founder, Director of Adoring ChristMinistries. Kori graduated from Southwestern Baptist TheologicalSeminary with a master of arts in theology. She has authored Age ofCrowns: Pursuing Lives Marked by the Kingdom of God and AdoringChrist: Beholding God's Beauty and Becoming Like Him, and was acontributor to the LifeWay Women’s Study Bible by writing thecommentary for the Book of Hosea. Kori's family attends Grace BibleChurch in the Heights, Houston, where her husband serves as theFamily Pastor.